Dark Reader v5: A Paid Chrome Extension with a Subscription Model – FREE Alternative and Open-Source

Since June 2024 Dark Reader v5 celebrates its 10 years, and then it becomes a “pay for using Dark Reader“. As you can see in the Dark Reader popup panel at the bottom.

Dark Reader v5 subscription service 9.99$/year
Dark Reader subscription service 9.99$/year

Dark Reader, once a go-to free extension for dark mode lovers, has transitioned to a paid model with its latest update, v5. Now, users looking to utilize Dark Reader on Chrome/Firefox/opera will encounter a subscription fee of $9.99 specifically for corporate or company users. This shift has sparked conversations within the tech community about the necessity and implications of monetizing browser extensions that were once freely accessible.

Dark Reader v5: The Transition to Paid

Dark Reader has the ability to convert the color scheme of web pages into a darker, more eye-friendly format. This feature is especially beneficial for users who spend extended periods on their computers, as dark mode can reduce eye strain and make for a more comfortable viewing experience in low-light environments. The extension works by inverting bright colors on web pages to darker ones, thus providing a more pleasant browsing experience.

Dark Reader v5 Corporate user's subscription service
Dark Reader v5 Corporate user’s subscription service
Discount Dark Reader v5
Discount Dark Reader v5

With the release of Dark Reader v5, the developers have introduced a subscription model for corporate or company users. This decision marks a significant shift from the extension’s earlier versions, which were free for all users. The subscription, priced at $9.99, aims to support the ongoing development and maintenance of the extension. The Dark Reader developer provides no open and transparent explanation on his blog.

Alternatives: Turn Off the Lights

For those looking for a free and Open-Source alternative to Dark Reader v5, “Turn Off the Lights” stands out as a compelling option. This browser extension, available for Chrome and other major browsers, offers a suite of features designed to enhance the viewing experience, particularly in low-light conditions. It is free for all web browsers including Safari.

Turn Off the Lights is primarily known for its ability to dim the entire screen except for the video player, making it ideal for watching videos on platforms like YouTube without the distraction of bright backgrounds. However, it also includes a night mode feature that can transform the color scheme of web pages to a darker palette, better than what Dark Reader offers.

Benefits of Turn Off the Lights

1. Free and Open-Source: Turn Off the Lights is completely free and open-source, providing all its features without any cost. This makes it accessible for both individuals and businesses. Its open-source nature allows for community contributions, ensuring ongoing improvements and transparency.

2. Versatility: The extension offers more than just a night mode. Its capability to focus on video content by dimming the surrounding areas enhances the viewing experience, especially in dark settings. Users can customize the dimness level, background color, and other settings to match their preferences.

3. User-Friendly: Turn Off the Lights is designed for ease of use, with intuitive settings and controls. Users can quickly enable or disable the night mode feature and adjust other settings effortlessly.

4. Regular Updates: As an active open-source project, Turn Off the Lights receives frequent updates and improvements, maintaining compatibility with the latest browser versions and addressing any bugs or issues.


While Dark Reader’s shift to a paid subscription model for corporate users might be a disappointment for some, alternatives like Turn Off the Lights offer a viable solution. As a free and open-source extension, Turn Off the Lights provides similar functionality, ensuring users can continue to enjoy a dark mode browsing experience without incurring additional costs. This makes it an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and cost-effective alternative in the ever-evolving landscape of browser extensions.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

How to get dark mode for all websites in 3 easy steps?


In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, optimizing the browsing experience has become paramount. One such innovation that has gained significant traction is dark mode. From social media platforms to web browsers, dark mode offers a visually appealing alternative to the traditional light interface. However, not all websites have a dark mode built-in such as on YouTube. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the realm of dark mode for all websites, exploring its benefits, implementation, and impact on user experience. And how you get dark mode on all websites with free and Open-Source browser extension.

Dark mode for all websites

Exploring the Appeal of Dark Mode

Dark mode, also known as night mode or dark theme, reverses the color scheme of websites, displaying light text on a dark background. This aesthetic shift not only enhances the visual appeal but also offers several practical advantages:

Reduced Eye Strain

One of the primary reasons users opt for dark mode is its ability to reduce eye strain, especially during extended periods of screen time. By minimizing the contrast between text and background, dark mode creates a more comfortable viewing experience, particularly in low-light environments.

Improved Battery Life

dark mode for all websites not only benefits your eyes but also your device’s battery life. On devices with OLED or AMOLED screens, dark mode consumes less power compared to the traditional light mode. The dark pixels require less energy, resulting in prolonged battery longevity, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Embracing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Accessibility is a crucial aspect of web design, ensuring that websites are usable by individuals of all abilities. dark mode for all websites plays a vital role in enhancing accessibility by catering to users with visual impairments, photosensitivity, or those simply seeking a more comfortable browsing experience. By offering dark mode as a customizable feature, website developers demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and user-centric design.

Implementing Dark Mode Across Platforms

Dark mode for all websites with the free Turn Off the Lights browser extension
Dark mode for all websites with the free Turn Off the Lights browser extension

Browser Settings and Extensions

Many popular web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, offer built-in dark mode options. Users can activate dark mode for all websites by navigating to their browser settings and selecting the dark theme. Additionally, browser extensions such as Dark Reader provide a seamless dark mode experience across a wide range of websites, allowing for customization and fine-tuning.

How to Activate and Use Dark Mode Browser Extension?

For regular desktop internet users, you can also get this Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on website you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to your chosen website URL)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension takes your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “https://www.google.com”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel
Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.

Operating System Preferences

Beyond individual browsers, operating systems on desktop and mobile devices also offer dark mode settings. Whether you’re using Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android, you can enable system-wide dark mode to apply to supported applications and websites uniformly. This centralized approach ensures consistency across various online platforms, enhancing user experience and reducing visual fatigue.

The Impact on User Experience and Engagement

Enhanced Visual Contrast

dark mode for all websites offers improved visual contrast, making text and graphics stand out against the darker background. This heightened contrast not only enhances readability but also draws attention to important content, such as headlines, buttons, and calls-to-action. As a result, users are more likely to engage with the website and navigate its interface effortlessly.

Branding and Aesthetic Considerations

While dark mode offers numerous benefits, website developers must carefully consider its implementation in alignment with their brand identity and aesthetic preferences. Customizable dark mode themes allow brands to maintain visual consistency while providing users with flexibility. By incorporating brand colors and design elements, websites can deliver a cohesive and immersive browsing experience in dark mode for all websites.


In conclusion, dark mode for all websites offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from improved eye comfort to enhanced battery life and accessibility. By embracing dark mode, website developers can cater to the diverse needs of users while optimizing the browsing experience across platforms. Whether you’re browsing late at night or seeking a sleek and modern interface, dark mode provides a versatile solution that prioritizes user comfort and engagement.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about dark mode for all websites

How to get a dark mode for all websites with a free browser extension?

Install the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension, and enable in the Turn Off the Lights Options page the Night Mode feature. That will get you dark mode for all websites. And where you can customize the dark theme to your chosen dark background and text color.

How does dark mode reduce eye strain?

Dark mode reduces eye strain by minimizing the contrast between text and background, which reduces the amount of light emitted by the screen. This decrease in brightness is particularly beneficial in low-light environments, as it reduces the harshness of the light on the eyes, resulting in a more comfortable viewing experience.

Can I enable dark mode on my favorite websites?

Yes, many websites offer the option to enable dark mode either through their settings or through browser extensions. Popular web browsers also provide built-in dark mode options that can be activated to apply to all websites you visit.

Will dark mode affect website performance?

Dark mode typically does not significantly affect website performance. However, the impact may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the website design and the capabilities of the user’s device. In most cases, the difference in performance between light and dark modes is negligible.

Is dark mode suitable for all users?

While dark mode offers benefits such as reduced eye strain and improved battery life, it may not be suitable for all users. Some individuals may prefer the traditional light interface or may experience difficulties reading light text on a dark background. It’s essential to provide users with the option to choose their preferred mode based on their personal preferences and needs.

Can dark mode be customized to match my preferences?

Yes, dark mode can often be customized to match individual preferences. Many applications and websites offer settings that allow users to adjust aspects such as the darkness level, contrast, and color scheme of the dark mode interface. Customization options ensure that users can tailor their browsing experience to suit their specific preferences and visual comfort.

Are there any accessibility considerations for dark mode users?

Accessibility considerations are crucial for dark mode users, particularly those with visual impairments or sensitivity to light. Developers must ensure that dark mode maintains sufficient contrast between text and background to ensure readability for all users. Additionally, providing alternative color options or customizable settings can enhance accessibility and accommodate diverse user needs.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

How to get free dark theme for all websites in 3 easy steps?


In the digital landscape, user experience (UX) and accessibility have become paramount considerations for website owners and developers. One innovative approach gaining traction is the adoption of dark themes across all websites. The dark theme, characterized by a dark color scheme predominantly featuring dark backgrounds and light text, offers numerous benefits, from reducing eye strain to conserving battery life on devices with OLED screens. You can have a dark theme on YouTube, but not all websites have a dark theme. Let’s delve into the world of dark themes and uncover how they can elevate your website’s performance and user satisfaction. And how to get dark themes on all websites.

Understanding Dark Theme for All Websites

In this section, we’ll explore the concept of dark themes and their significance in web design.

Dark themes, also known as dark mode or night mode, invert the traditional color scheme of websites by using dark backgrounds and light-colored text. This design choice not only provides a visually striking aesthetic but also offers several practical advantages:

  • Reduced Eye Strain: Dark themes reduce the amount of blue light emitted by screens, which can alleviate eye strain, particularly during extended browsing sessions at night.
  • Improved Battery Life: For devices with OLED screens, such as smartphones, dark themes can significantly reduce power consumption, leading to extended battery life.
  • Enhanced Readability: Light text on a dark background can enhance readability, especially in low-light environments, by reducing glare and enhancing contrast.
Dark theme for all websites with the help of the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension
Dark theme for all websites with the help of the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension

The Impact of Dark Theme on User Experience

Implementing a dark theme can have a profound impact on the overall user experience of your website. Here’s how:

  • Visual Appeal: Dark themes exude a sense of sophistication and modernity, capturing users’ attention and fostering engagement.
  • Customization Options: Offering dark theme customization empowers users to personalize their browsing experience according to their preferences, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Accessibility: Dark themes improve accessibility for users with visual impairments or sensitivity to bright light, ensuring inclusivity and compliance with accessibility standards.

Best Practices for Implementing Dark Themes

To maximize the benefits of dark themes for your website, follow these best practices:

  • Opt for High Contrast: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors to maintain readability and accessibility.
  • Provide Theme Options: Offer users the flexibility to switch between light and dark themes based on their preferences.
  • Test Across Devices: Verify that the dark theme renders correctly and maintains usability across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Consider Branding: Tailor the dark theme to align with your brand identity while maintaining visual coherence and consistency.

How to Activate and Use Dark Mode in web browser?

Browser extension

For regular desktop internet users, you can get also this Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on any website you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to your chosen website URL)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension takes your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the King website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “https://www.google.com”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel

Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.


In conclusion, embracing a dark theme for all websites presents a compelling opportunity to enhance user experience, accessibility, and visual appeal. By following best practices and incorporating user feedback, you can effectively integrate dark themes into your website design, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of your audience.

And with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension and the Night Mode feature enabled on the Options page. You can then customize the dark theme for all websites, so you have harmony with the same dark theme for all websites.

Dark Theme for All Websites: FAQs

Is implementing a dark theme beneficial for all websites?

Yes, adopting a dark theme offers various benefits, including reduced eye strain, improved readability, and enhanced visual appeal, making it a valuable choice for all websites.

How to get a dark theme for all websites with a browser extension?

With the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension you can get any website in a dark theme. When the installation is completed, you need to open the Turn Off the Lights Options page and enable the Night Mode feature. Now you will see a dark theme for all websites you visited.

Can I customize the Dark theme for all websites Turn Off the Lights browser extension?

Yes, in the Turn Off the Lights Options page you can tweak and customize the dark theme, so that the Dark theme for all websites is the same.

How can I ensure compatibility with dark themes on my website?

Test your website’s compatibility with dark themes across different browsers and devices, addressing any rendering issues or design inconsistencies as needed.

Are there any SEO implications to consider when implementing a dark theme?

While dark themes themselves do not directly impact SEO, ensuring proper contrast and readability is essential to maintain accessibility and user engagement, which indirectly contribute to SEO performance.

What role does user feedback play in optimizing a dark theme?

User feedback is invaluable for refining and optimizing your dark theme, allowing you to address usability issues, enhance customization options, and improve overall user satisfaction.

Can I integrate dark themes into existing website designs?

Yes, dark themes can be integrated into existing website designs through CSS modifications or by utilizing website themes and templates that support dark mode functionality.

How can I promote the dark theme option to users effectively?

Promote the dark theme option prominently on your website, highlighting its benefits and providing clear instructions on how users can enable or customize it to suit their preferences.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

Chrome 123: The End of Forced Dark Mode + New Solution


Google Chrome, the world’s most popular web browser, has been a pioneer in introducing features that enhance user experience and accessibility. Among these features, forced dark mode has been a contentious topic since its inception. With the upcoming release of Chrome 123, it appears that forced dark mode may be bidding farewell, marking a significant shift in the browser’s approach towards website appearance customization.

Chrome 123 primarily targets web developers, introducing new CSS functions aimed at enabling sites to adapt their appearance dynamically based on the user’s color scheme preference. Additionally, passkeys, a crucial element for web security, can now be utilized across a broader range of web pages. While these updates may not directly impact regular users, Google traditionally introduces user-centric changes through server-side rollouts post-version updates.

Chrome flag Forced Dark Mode
Chrome flag Forced Dark Mode

The demise of forced dark mode, a feature that modified websites to appear in a dark theme regardless of their original design, is perhaps the most notable change in Chrome 123. Introduced as a hidden feature accessible only through a specific flag, #enable-force-dark, users had to navigate to chrome://flags in their browser, toggle the setting, and restart Chrome to activate it.

Reason to remove the flag

Bad Experience

For many users, forced dark mode provided a consistent browsing experience, especially on websites lacking an official dark mode option. It alleviated eye strain in low-light conditions and contributed to a more cohesive aesthetic across different web pages. However, its implementation was not without drawbacks.

Aesthetics conflict

One of the primary concerns surrounding forced dark mode was its impact on website functionality and aesthetics. While some websites seamlessly adapted to the dark theme, others encountered display issues, rendering certain elements illegible or visually unappealing. The forced dark mode often clashed with a website’s intended design, leading to a suboptimal user experience.

Lack Customization

Moreover, the reliance on a hidden feature flag meant that forced dark mode lacked transparency and official support from Google. Users had to navigate through settings menus and enable experimental features, potentially exposing them to unforeseen bugs or security vulnerabilities.

Shift change in web browser control

The decision to discontinue forced dark mode in Chrome 123 signals Google’s commitment to providing users with more control over their browsing experience. By emphasizing CSS functions that allow websites to adapt dynamically to user preferences, Google encourages developers to prioritize accessibility and customization without imposing universal modifications.

This shift aligns with broader industry trends towards user-centric design and accessibility standards. As users increasingly seek personalized experiences tailored to their preferences, web developers are tasked with creating flexible designs that accommodate diverse needs.

Solution: New Forced Dark Mode

While the removal of forced dark mode may disappoint some users accustomed to its convenience, it opens doors for innovative solutions that prioritize user choice and compatibility. With the prevalence of browser extensions like “Turn Off the Lights” offering comprehensive night mode features, users retain the option to customize their browsing experience according to their preferences.

Forced Dark Mode Solution with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension

With the Turn Off the Lights browser extension, you can also dim the image, change the background color, text color, hyperlink color, and button border color. Such as on Amazon website that does not have a dark mode style:

Amazon Dark Mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension


In conclusion, Chrome 123 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Google Chrome, signaling the end of forced dark mode and a renewed focus on user-driven customization. As the web landscape continues to evolve, Chrome remains at the forefront of innovation, striving to provide users with a seamless and personalized browsing experience.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

Blind Dark Mode: Enhancing Accessibility for All Users


In today’s digital age, accessibility is paramount. As technology continues to evolve, so too do the ways in which we interact with digital content. One such innovation that has gained traction in recent years is blind dark mode. This feature, which alters the color scheme of digital interfaces to enhance visibility in low-light environments, holds immense potential for improving accessibility and user experience across various platforms.

What is team blind?

TeamBlind is an online community platform designed for professionals to engage in candid discussions about various topics related to their careers, workplaces, industries, and more. It serves as a forum where users can anonymously share their experiences, seek advice, and connect with others in similar fields.

Team Blind regular website
Team Blind regular website

The platform is known for its emphasis on anonymity, allowing users to express their thoughts and opinions openly without fear of repercussions. This anonymity fosters honest and transparent conversations, making TeamBlind a valuable resource for professionals looking to gain insights into various aspects of the workplace.

TeamBlind covers a wide range of topics, including company reviews, salary discussions, career advice, industry trends, and workplace culture. Users can join discussions specific to their companies or industries, participate in polls and surveys, and access valuable resources shared by fellow professionals.

What is Blind Dark Mode?

Blind dark mode, also known as dark theme or night mode, is a display setting that adjusts the color scheme of digital interfaces to predominantly dark colors. This mode is particularly beneficial in low-light environments or for users with visual impairments, as it reduces eye strain and improves readability by minimizing the emission of bright light.

Blind Dark Mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension
Blind Dark Mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension

Enhancing Visibility:

Blind dark mode enhances visibility by reducing the overall brightness of digital displays. By utilizing darker backgrounds and lighter text, this mode creates a high-contrast environment that makes it easier for users to discern content, icons, and graphical elements.

Reducing Eye Strain:

One of the key advantages of blind dark mode is its ability to alleviate eye strain, especially during prolonged periods of screen use. By minimizing the emission of bright light, particularly blue light, this mode helps reduce eye fatigue and discomfort, making it more comfortable for users to engage with digital content for extended durations.

How to Activate and Use Blind Dark Mode?

Browser extension

For regular desktop internet users, you can get also this Blind Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on Blind you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to Blind Dark Mode)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension takes your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the King website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “https://www.teamblind.com”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel

Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.


In conclusion, blind dark mode offers a valuable solution for improving accessibility and user experience in digital environments. By incorporating this feature into their platforms, developers can enhance inclusivity, reduce eye strain, and empower users with diverse needs to engage with digital content more comfortably. As technology continues to evolve, blind dark mode represents a pivotal step towards creating a more accessible and equitable digital landscape.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

How does blind dark mode improve accessibility?

Blind dark mode enhances accessibility by reducing eye strain and improving visibility in low-light environments, making digital content more accessible to users with visual impairments or sensitivities.

Can blind dark mode be customized?

Yes, blind dark mode often includes customizable settings that allow users to adjust contrast, brightness, and color preferences according to their individual needs and preferences.

Does blind dark mode save battery life?

Yes, blind dark mode can contribute to energy efficiency and conserve battery life, particularly on devices equipped with OLED or AMOLED displays, by reducing the power consumption associated with brighter display settings.

Is blind dark mode suitable for everyone?

While blind dark mode offers benefits for many users, individual preferences may vary. Some users may prefer traditional light themes, while others find dark mode more comfortable for prolonged screen use.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

Skool Dark Mode: How to enable it in 3 easy steps


In the digital age, education undergoes constant evolution, integrating technology to enhance learning experiences. One such innovation is Skool Dark Mode, a feature designed to optimize readability and reduce eye strain during online learning sessions. This article delves into the benefits, implementation, and impact of Skool Dark Mode on educational platforms.

Skool default light website
Skool default light website

What is Dark Mode?

Dark mode, also known as night mode or dark theme, is a feature available in many software applications, websites, and operating systems that changes the color scheme of the user interface to predominantly dark colors. This includes using dark backgrounds with light text and often adjusting other interface elements like buttons and menus to match.

The primary purpose of dark mode is to reduce eye strain and fatigue, particularly in low-light environments such as at night or in dimly lit rooms. By using darker colors, it reduces the amount of light emitted by screens, which can be more comfortable for some users, especially during extended periods of use.

The Importance of Skool Dark Mode

Amidst the shift towards online education, ensuring an optimal learning environment is paramount. Skool Dark Mode addresses this need by providing a visually comfortable interface for students and educators. This section explores why this feature is essential for modern educational platforms.

Skool Dark Mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension
Skool Dark Mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension

Benefits of Skool Dark Mode

Enhanced Readability: Dark Mode employs a dark background with light text, reducing eye strain and improving readability, especially during prolonged study sessions.

Improved Focus: By minimizing distractions and reducing glare, Dark Mode promotes better concentration, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.

Accessibility: This feature caters to diverse learning needs, including individuals with visual impairments or sensitivity to bright light, fostering inclusivity in educational settings.

How to Activate and Use Skool Dark Mode?

Browser extension

For regular desktop internet users, you can get also this Skool Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on Skool video you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to Skool)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension takes your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the King website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “https://skool.com”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel

Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.


In conclusion, Skool Dark Mode revolutionizes online learning by prioritizing user comfort, focus, and accessibility. By incorporating this feature into educational platforms, institutions can create inclusive and engaging learning environments conducive to student success. Embrace the future of education with Skool Dark Mode and unlock the full potential of online learning.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What devices support Skool Dark Mode?

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is available for all platforms and devices. And that is complete free and Open-Source.

Is Skool Dark Mode customizable?

Yes, users can adjust Dark Mode settings to suit their preferences, including brightness levels and contrast options.

Does Skool Dark Mode improve battery life?

While Dark Mode may contribute to slight energy savings on devices with OLED or AMOLED displays, the primary focus is on enhancing readability and user experience.

Is Skool Dark Mode beneficial for individuals with visual impairments?

Absolutely, Dark Mode offers enhanced readability and reduced eye strain, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with visual impairments or sensitivity to bright light.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

Find the perfect web browser with dark mode: A comprehensive guide 2024

Browser with dark mode

In recent years, the concept of dark mode has gained significant popularity among users of various digital platforms. Its sleek and stylish appearance, along with potential benefits for eye strain reduction and battery life preservation, has made it a sought-after feature across different applications and devices. When it comes to web browsing, having a browser with dark mode can enhance the overall experience, especially during nighttime or in low-light environments.

However, not all web browsers offer built-in dark mode functionality, and the quality of implementation can vary widely between different options. This comprehensive guide aims to assist users in finding the perfect web browser with dark mode by exploring various popular choices, their features, and how to enable dark mode where available.

Here this article gives you an overview of which web browsers support Dark Mode.

Top Browsers With Built-in Dark Mode

Firefox Dark Mode

Mozilla Firefox also provides a dark mode option for users seeking a more comfortable browsing experience in low-light conditions. Similar to Chrome, users can access dark mode settings by going to “Settings > General > Appearance” and selecting the “Dark” theme. Additionally, Firefox supports system-wide dark mode preferences.

  • Pros:
    • Strong emphasis on privacy and security features.
    • Highly customizable with various themes and extensions.
    • Open-source platform with a supportive community.
  • Cons:
    • Can be slower than some other browsers, especially with many tabs open.
    • Less integration with other platforms compared to Chrome.
    • Some websites may not be optimized for Firefox.

Microsoft Edge Dark Mode

Microsoft Edge, the default browser for Windows 10, Windows 11, and later versions includes a built-in dark mode feature. Users can enable dark mode by clicking on the menu icon (three horizontal dots) and selecting “Settings > Appearance,” then choosing the “Dark” theme under “Choose a theme”.

  • Pros:
    • Built-in integration with the Windows operating system.
    • Excellent compatibility with web standards.
    • Enhanced privacy features with tracking prevention.
  • Cons:
    • Limited availability on non-Windows platforms.
    • Less extension support compared to Chrome and Firefox.
    • Microsoft’s history of privacy controversies raises concerns for some users.

Opera Dark Mode

Opera, known for its innovative features, includes a built-in dark mode that users can easily enable. By clicking on the Opera menu icon and selecting “Settings > Basic,” users can toggle the “Dark Theme” option to activate dark mode.

  • Pros:
    • Fast browsing speed and low resource consumption.
    • Built-in ad blocker and VPN for enhanced privacy.
    • Highly customizable with various themes and settings.
  • Cons:
    • Less popular than mainstream browsers, leading to potential compatibility issues with certain websites.
    • Limited extension library compared to Chrome and Firefox.
    • Some users may have concerns about Opera’s ownership and data privacy policies.

Vivaldi Dark Mode

Vivaldi is a highly customizable browser that allows users to personalize their browsing experience, including the option to enable dark mode. Users can access dark mode settings in Vivaldi by going to “Settings > Appearance” and choosing the “Dark” theme under “Themes”.

  • Pros:
    • Highly customizable interface with extensive settings and themes.
    • Built-in tools for power users, including tab stacking and advanced tab management.
    • Strong emphasis on privacy and security features.
  • Cons:
    • Relatively smaller user base may lead to compatibility issues with certain websites.
    • Some users may find the extensive customization options overwhelming.
    • Less integration with other platforms compared to mainstream browsers.

Brave Dark Mode

Brave is a privacy-focused browser that also offers a dark mode feature for users who prefer a darker interface. To enable dark mode in Brave, users can go to “Settings > Appearance” and select the “Dark” theme option.

  • Pros:
    • Focus on privacy and security with built-in ad blocker and tracker blocker.
    • Faster browsing experience with optimized performance.
    • Reward system for users opting into Brave Ads.
  • Cons:
    • Limited extension support compared to more established browsers.
    • Relatively small user base may lead to compatibility issues with some websites.
    • Some users may find the Brave Rewards system intrusive or unnecessary.

Tor Browser

Tor Browser, designed for privacy and anonymity, includes a dark mode feature that can be enabled through its settings. Users can navigate to “Preferences > Appearance” and select the “Dark” theme to activate dark mode in Tor Browser.

  • Pros:
    • High level of anonymity and privacy with built-in Tor network integration.
    • Enhanced security features, including protection against tracking and fingerprinting.
    • Open-source platform with a commitment to privacy and user security.
  • Cons:
    • Slower browsing speed due to routing through the Tor network.
    • Limited compatibility with some websites and services.
    • Less user-friendly interface compared to mainstream browsers, may not be suitable for casual browsing.

Browsers without Built-In Dark Mode

Google Chrome Dark Mode

Google Chrome, one of the most widely used web browsers, offers a dark mode feature that can be enabled through settings. Users can navigate to “Settings > Appearance” and select the “Dark” option under the “Themes” section to activate dark mode. Alternatively, users can enable system-wide dark mode on their operating system, which will automatically apply to Chrome.

  • Pros:
    • Wide range of extensions and add-ons available.
    • Syncing across devices with Google account.
    • Fast browsing speed and smooth performance.
  • Cons:
    • Consumes significant system resources, especially with multiple tabs open.
    • Privacy concerns due to Google’s data collection practices.
    • Limited customization options compared to other browsers.

Safari Dark Mode

Safari, the default browser for macOS and iOS devices, offers a dark mode feature for users looking to reduce eye strain during nighttime browsing sessions. On macOS, users can enable dark mode system-wide through “System Preferences > General,” which will also apply to Safari. On iOS devices, users can enable dark mode in “Settings > Display & Brightness”.

  • Pros:
    • Optimized for macOS and iOS devices, providing seamless integration.
    • Energy-efficient design that preserves battery life on Apple devices.
    • Strong privacy features, including Intelligent Tracking Prevention.
  • Cons:
    • Limited availability on non-Apple platforms.
    • Less customization options compared to other browsers.
    • Slower update cycle and fewer extensions available compared to competitors.

How to Install Turn Off the Lights to get dark mode for every browser

If you are looking to enhance your browsing experience with a seamless dark mode feature across different web browsers, Turn Off the Lights is an excellent solution. Turn Off the Lights is a browser extension available for various browsers, and it enables a dark mode that dims the background and highlights the video or content you’re viewing, creating a theater-like atmosphere for an immersive browsing experience.

Browser with dark mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension
Browser with dark mode with the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install and use Turn Off the Lights to get enable dark mode on any website:

Step 1: Choose Your Browser

Turn Off the Lights is compatible with a wide range of browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, and more. Visit the respective extension store or marketplace for your browser to search for Turn Off the Lights. Or open this direct download to Turn Off the Lights browser extension.

Step 2: Install Turn Off the Lights Extension

Once you have selected your browser, locate Turn Off the Lights in the extension store or marketplace. Click on the “Install” or “Add to [Browser Name]” button to initiate the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 3: Enable Dark Mode

After installing Turn Off the Lights, the extension icon should appear in your browser’s toolbar or menu. Click right on the Turn Off the Lights gray lamp icon to open the context menu. From the context menu, choose the item “Options”. That opens the Turn Off the Lights Options page, and click on the left sidebar on the topic “Night Mode”. here you can enable or disable dark mode on any webpage.

Step 4: Customize Settings (Optional)

Turn Off the Lights offers various customization options to tailor your dark mode experience according to your preferences. You can adjust the opacity of the dimming effect, select a specific color for the background, and configure other settings to enhance your browsing comfort.

How to enable Dark Mode on any website such as Amazon

Step 5: Enjoy Dark Mode Across the Web

With Turn Off the Lights installed and dark mode enabled, you can enjoy a consistent dark mode experience across different websites and web applications. Whether you’re reading articles, watching videos, or browsing social media, Turn Off the Lights provides a visually appealing and comfortable environment for extended browsing sessions, especially in low-light conditions.

Step 6: Updates and Support

Keep your Turn Off the Lights extension up to date to ensure compatibility with the latest browser updates and to access new features or improvements. That is for free, Open-Source, and with no dark mode website limits. Additionally, if you encounter any issues or have questions about using Turn Off the Lights, refer to the extension’s support documentation or contact the developer for assistance.

By following these steps, you can easily install and use Turn Off the Lights to enjoy dark mode for every browser, enhancing your browsing experience with a sleek and immersive interface. Whether you prefer Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, or other browsers, Turn Off the Lights provides a unified solution for accessing dark mode across different platforms.

Turn Off the Lights Browser Extension Benefits

  • Free
  • Open-Source
  • Support multiple languages


In conclusion, finding the perfect web browser with dark mode involves considering factors such as compatibility with your operating system, ease of enabling dark mode, and additional features offered by each browser. Whether you prefer the simplicity of Google Chrome, the customization options of Vivaldi, or the privacy features of Tor Browser, there’s a browser with dark mode out there to suit your preferences and enhance your browsing experience. Explore the options mentioned in this guide and choose the one that best fits your needs. Happy browsing in the dark!

FAQ about browser with dark mode

Does browser with dark mode affect website compatibility?

No, modern browsers ensure compatibility with most websites, ensuring a seamless browsing experience in dark mode.

Can browser with dark mode be enabled on all devices?

Yes, browser with dark mode is available on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, across different operating systems.

Does browser with dark mode save battery life on all devices?

While dark mode does help conserve battery life on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens, the extent of battery savings may vary depending on usage patterns and device specifications.

Is dark mode suitable for reading?

Yes, browser with dark mode is particularly well-suited for reading, especially in low-light conditions, as it reduces eye strain and enhances readability.

Can browser with dark mode be customized?

Yes, most browsers offer customization options for dark mode, allowing users to adjust contrast levels, choose different dark themes, and personalize their browsing experience.

Does dark mode affect sleep patterns?

While some studies suggest that exposure to bright screens, especially before bedtime, may affect sleep patterns, dark mode can help mitigate this issue by reducing screen brightness.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

Tencent Video Dark Mode: How to Enable in 3 Easy Steps?

What is Tencent Video?

Tencent Video VIP, is a Chinese streaming service operated by Tencent. It provides a wide range of content, including movies, TV shows, and other videos. However, I don’t have specific information about a dark mode for Tencent Video as it may have been introduced or changed after my last update.

Tencent video Dark Mode
Tencent video Dark Mode

How to Activate and Use Tencent video Dark Mode?

Browser extension

For regular desktop internet users, you can get also this Tencent video Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on Tencent video you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to Tencent video Dark Mode)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension take your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the King website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “https://v.qq.com”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel

Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.

Benefits Tencent video dark mode

Using Tencent video dark mode is easy and straightforward. Here are some tips to make the most of this feature:

  1. Use dark mode at night: If you’re watching videos at night, dark mode can help reduce eye strain and prevent your eyes from getting tired.
  2. Customize the interface: Tencent video allows you to customize the interface colors to your liking. You can choose from a range of colors to make the interface more comfortable for you.
  3. Switch back to light mode: If you prefer the light mode interface, you can easily switch back by following the same steps mentioned above.
Tencent video Dark Mode
Tencent video Dark Mode


Tencent video dark mode is a useful feature that can reduce eye strain and provide a better viewing experience for users. Activating and using this feature is easy and straightforward, and it can be particularly helpful for users who spend long hours watching videos. By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can easily enable dark mode on your Tencent video account and make the most of this feature.

Hope that answers one of your questions about the Tencent video Dark Mode:

  • How to turn dark mode on Tencent video?
  • Is there Tencent video dark mode?
  • How to enable Tencent video dark mode?
  • What are the benefits of using Tencent video dark mode?
  • Tencent video dark mode is not working
  • How to install Tencent video dark?
  • Enable dark mode on any website

If you find it useful to get your Dark Mode for Tencent video, then you can share the link on Facebook or share the link on Twitter. So your family, friends, or colleagues can know about this handy free tool.


Does dark mode save battery life?

Yes, using dark mode can help save battery life on devices with OLED or AMOLED displays, as dark pixels require less power than light pixels.

Does dark mode reduce eye strain?

Yes, dark mode can help reduce eye strain, particularly when watching videos in low light conditions.

Is dark mode available on all devices?

Yes, dark mode is available on all devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

Youku Dark Mode – How to Activate in 3 Easy Steps and Use Youku Dark Theme?


Embracing the digital era, Youku Dark Mode emerges as a game-changer in the streaming world. This article delves into the intricacies of Dark Mode, unraveling its features, benefits, and the steps to activate it. Explore how this feature transforms your viewing experience, providing a visually appealing and comfortable atmosphere for your favorite content.

What is Youku?

Youku is a Chinese online streaming service that specializes in hosting a wide variety of video content, including movies, TV shows, and user-generated content. It is often referred to as the “YouTube of China.” Youku was founded in 2006 and has since become one of the largest and most popular online video platforms in China.

Alibaba Group acquired Youku Tudou Inc. (the company that operates Youku) in 2015, integrating it into Alibaba’s digital media and entertainment business. Youku offers a diverse range of content, including licensed TV dramas and movies, as well as original productions. It has played a significant role in the growth of online video consumption in China, catering to a vast audience of Chinese internet users.

Youku Dark Mode website version
Youku Dark Mode website version

Benefits of Youku Dark Mode

1. Eye Comfort

Step into a world where your eyes can relax. Youku Dark Mode reduces the strain on your eyes, making it ideal for extended viewing periods. Enjoy your favorite shows without the discomfort of prolonged exposure to bright screens.

2. Battery Efficiency

Youku Dark Mode isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a practical choice. Activate Dark Mode to save battery life on your devices. Stream for longer periods without worrying about draining your battery.

3. Enhanced Focus

Immerse yourself in the content without distractions. Youku Dark Mode minimizes peripheral distractions, allowing you to focus solely on the captivating narratives unfolding on your screen.

4. Aesthetic Appeal

Indulge in the visual elegance of Youku Dark Mode. The dark-themed interface not only offers comfort but adds a touch of sophistication to your streaming experience. Elevate your viewing ambiance with a stylish and sleek interface.

How to Activate and Use Youku Dark Mode?


Activating Youku dark mode is a straightforward process. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Log in to your Youku account and click on your profile picture
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on “Settings”
  3. Scroll down to the “Interface” section and select “Dark Mode”
  4. Once you’ve enabled dark mode, the interface will switch from light to dark

Browser extension

For regular desktop internet users, you can get also this Youku Night Mode version on your favorite web browser. That is with the Night Mode option in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. Follow the steps below on how to enable this free solution in your web browser:

  1. Download the Turn Off the Lights browser extension
  2. Click right on the gray lamp button and select Options in the menu item
  3. The Turn Off the Lights Options page shows up and select the tab Night Mode
  4. Enable here the Night switch or the long-press feature to activate the night mode on the current web page
YouTube video tutorial on how to enable the Night Mode feature

In addition, you can customize the website background, text, and hyperlink colors. So you can make it personal to your night theme style. And get the Dark Mode on Youku you want to see in your web browser.

Site Access (only to Youku Dark Mode)

Turn Off the Lights browser extension take your privacy very seriously, and you set up this browser extension to only allow the King website. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

  1. Open the chrome://extensions page and search for Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension on the Chrome://extensions page
  1. Click on the button Details to open the detailed information about this Chrome extension
  2. Search for the section Site Access, and click on the selection box to the menu item “On specific sites
  1. A new popup panel shows up, and type now this URL in the text box “https://www.youku.com”
  1. When you are done, click on the blue Add button to close this panel

Free and Open-Source

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is free and Open-Source. And it is available on all modern web browsers. That includes Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, Brave, Vivaldi, Naver Whale, Yandex, and Cốc Cốc.

Turn Off the Lights Channel onYouku Dark Mode website
Turn Off the Lights Channel onYouku Dark Mode website


Youku Dark Mode is not just a feature; it’s a journey into a visually enhanced world of streaming. Activate it, explore its benefits, and witness the transformation of your viewing experience. Embrace the darkness with Youku Dark Mode and elevate your streaming adventures to new heights.


How do I activate Youku Dark Mode?

To activate Youku Dark Mode, install the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights browser extension navigate to the options page, find the Night Mode option, and toggle it on. Enjoy a visually pleasing streaming experience with reduced eye strain.

Can I use Youku Dark Mode on all devices?

Yes, Youku Dark Mode is available on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Simply check your device settings to activate this feature.

Does Youku Dark Mode consume more data?

No, Youku Dark Mode does not consume more data. It is designed to provide a comfortable viewing experience without affecting your data usage.

Can I customize the intensity of Youku Dark Mode?

Yes, Youku Dark Mode often comes with customization options. Explore the settings to adjust the intensity and find the perfect balance for your viewing pleasure.

Are there any potential downsides to using Youku Dark Mode?

While generally beneficial, prolonged use of Dark Mode may affect sleep patterns in some individuals. It’s recommended to switch to light mode in low-light conditions to mitigate potential disruptions.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme

How to get the alternative Enhancer for YouTube Firefox in 3 easy steps?


Since 5 November 2023 the developer of the good Firefox extension announced it cancellation of his development. Quote of the Enhancer for YouTube Firefox developer:

Annoucement Enhancer for YouTube Firefox temporarily stopped
Annoucement Enhancer for YouTube Firefox temporarily stopped

Distribution of Enhancer for YouTube™ temporarily stopped!
Due to the countless changes that the YouTube developers have made, Enhancer for YouTube™ is now completely broken for Firefox (partially works for Chromium based browsers) so I had to pause its distribution. A huge amount of work is necessary to fix all the issues so don’t expect a new version to be released in the upcoming days. Please do not contact me for an estimated date of release, I don’t have one.

mrfdev develop

When you open the Enhancer for YouTube Firefox add-on page, you will see this error message. That the the page can not be found.

Oops we can't find that page for Enhancer for YouTube Firefox add-on page
Oops we can’t find that page for Enhancer for YouTube Firefox add-on page

Solution to get Enhancer for YouTube Firefox

Do not worry you can always install the free and Open-Source Turn Off the Lights Firefox extension. Used by hundreds of thousands of users, Turn Off the Lights is the most trustworthy and featured extension you can get to improve your user experience on YouTube! That has many features such as YouTube AutoHD, YouTube 60 FPS block, Mouse Volume Scroll, etc. And it is already using the latest Manifest V3 technology (for improvement in privacy, security, and performance).

Here are the steps to get the alternative:

  1. Open the Firefox web browser
  2. Download the Turn Off the Lights for Firefox and click on “Install”
  3. And pint the gray lamp button in your Firefox web browser
How to install alternative Enhancer for YouTube Firefox

How to pin the gray lamp button in your Firefox web browser.

How to pin the gray lamp button in Firefox

Unlock the full potential of your YouTube experience with Turn Off the Lights Firefox. Dive into this comprehensive welcome guide to discover how this tool can elevate your video-watching journey. That you will see when you install for the first time the Firefox extension. There are many more options you can enable that are default disabled for new users. Such as Night Mode on all websites, Eye Protection, Atmosphere Lighting that shows you the glow effect around the playing HTML5 video, Automatically stop playing HTML5 videos, etc.


Turn Off the Lights Firefox extension is the must-have alternative for Enhancer for YouTube Firefox. And that for anyone seeking an enhanced and personalized YouTube experience. From playback customization to playlist management, this Firefox extension takes your video interaction to the next level. Embrace the future of Turn Off the Lights Firefox extension!

FAQ about alternative Firefox extension

Are there any hidden costs associated with alternative Enhancer for YouTube Firefox?

No. The Turn Off the Lights Firefox extension is 100% free and Open-Source. There is no hidden cost. And it uses the latest Manifest V3 technology for improvement in security, privacy, and performance.

How frequently is the alternative Enhancer for YouTube Firefox updated?

Turn Off the Lights Firefox is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest YouTube features and Firefox updates.

Are there any privacy concerns with using Enhancer for YouTube Firefox?

Rest assured, Enhancer for YouTube Firefox prioritizes user privacy. No personal information is collected or shared. It use the latest Manifest V3 technology for improvement in security, privacy, and performance.

Turn Off the Lights

Free and Open-Source browser extension to customize your video and web browser in your favorite web browser

Price: 0.0

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Maxthon, Brave, Vivaldi, Cốc Cốc, Naver Whale, Samsung Internet, and Yandex

Application Category: Accessibility

Editor's Rating:

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme