Today, 17 May 2018 is the Global Accessibility Awareness Day. It is an awareness day focusing on accessibility. And people with disabilities need a helpful tool, so they can experience the web in a less fearful way. That is better for your eyes and for the screen reader software.
One of the first accessibility features in the Turn Off the Lights browser extension was the Speech Recognition feature. With a voice command, you can activate the dark layer and even play or pause the current video player. And that without touching any buttons on the web page. Since the launch of the Turn Off the Lights browser extension v4. There are many new improvements for People with Disabilities. Therefore, it starts all from a new Options page layout that is touch friendly but in the background also good for the screen reader software.
People with Disabilities
People with Disabilities need a good tool for the web. And Turn Off the Lights software enhances that visibility and reduces distractibility on the web. Here are 3 things that have been improved from the previous extension version:
1. Change the tab with your keyboard
You can change now the tab on the Options page, by using the alt key and the first (English) letter of that tab name.
Windows users
Press the alt key + N
That will open you the Night Mode tab on the Turn Off the Lights Options page.
macOS users
Press the ctrl + alt + B
With this shortcut key, it opens the Basics tab on the Turn Off the Lights Options page.
2. Touch-friendly and comfortable layout
The options page is now not compact and compressed into one single view. And every single tab has its own icon that describes the function of that web page.
3. Dark Mode Options page
People with Disabilities do not like too much bright light shining directly in their eyes, and it is not good and healthy. You can even be blind for a second of that light. Because of this uncomfortable aspect, there is an option to get a dark user interface for the Options page.

- Open the Turn Off the Lights Options page, that by clicking right on the gray lamp button. And choose the menu item Options
- Then the Turn Off the Lights Options page will show up in a new tab. And On the top right you see a vertical 3-dot icon, click on it to open the menu list
- Next, choose “Dark mode OFF” and it will automatically convert to a Dark theme

The Turn Off the Lights browser extension is built for everyone. This browser extension enhances the computing and web experience for those users who we care about. And we are aimed to continually improve the accessibility of the Turn Off the Lights browser extension. There are many People with Disabilities. Of the world population, 15% do have a disability. And everyone must get a good experience in his web browser. If you love our work, please make a small contribution to support us.