One of the most loved feature that our users love in the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension is the Night Mode. The Night Mode feature converts all web pages to a dark theme with one tap on the switch. It increases battery life (less brightness of the display screen), reduces his eye strain, helps with his migraines. And Night Mode gets even better today.
The Ultimate dark theme for Android
Night Mode
If you are using now the Turn Off the Lights Android you can enable the option to show a switch below in the browser. Tap on the switch and you can get a darker website.

It’s not one JavaScript line that adds a CSS style to invert the web page with a filter.
body { -webkit-filter: invert(100%);filter: invert(100%); }
Some developers do this to invert the website content, but that break the whole website content for the users. While it invert also the images on the news article.
Our Advanced code is better in performance and change the color for each text element, text to white and background to black.
Default is this feature disabled, and you can enable it on the three dots icon -> Settings -> Turn Off the Lights Settings -> Night Mode -> Show the switch on the web page.
Share Dialog
There is now a more beautiful share page. With one tap on the Share menu, you can choose on what platform you want to share this URL. Or you can even send it as SMS or email to your friends.
It’s the most powerful update ever for the Turn Off the Lights Android app. You can get the free update today in the Google Play Store. (the new features are also available for the iPhone and iPad users)
We hope you like this free update. And you can always support our work by translating our project or by making a small donation to keep this project alive.