Turn Off the Lights for Bookmarks

Try something new in your web browser.

Install the Turn Off the Lights Bookmarks! Drag the blue download button in your toolbar and that's all. When you click now on "Turn Off the Lights" it highlight automatically the video player.

Bookmarks Bookmarks
Browser extension welcome display screen

Get the Ultimate bookmark for all your favorite web browsers

With this bookmark file, you can dim the content in your web browser. And highlight the video player, if it is available on that website. So this free bookmark can help you concentrate on the video content, and hide the distraction around this content. Also, it helps you dim the screen when the light is too bright for your eyes. That all in one single bookmarks file. To get the maximum and ultimate video experience, you can install the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension. That is number #1 YouTube extension for customizing the YouTube website, and also beyond this video platform. It has many powerful features inside such as the take a screenshot from the highest‑quality video, dynamic change the volume of the current video player with a mouse scroll, atmosphere light effect around the video player, etc. You've never experienced anything like this that so unique. Do you want a tremendous digital video experience that extends the YouTube video watching experience? Install it Now!

To learn more about the full version of the Turn Off the Lights Browser extension, you can read this useful and designed Turn Off the Lights Welcome Guide. Or you can watch the official YouTube tutorials videos from the Turn Off the Lights YouTube YouTube Channel. So you can discover and experience the new features that make your web experience more enjoyable. And if you ever experience an issue or you need help. Do not hesitate to contact us on this Support page.