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🎮 New Game Controller feature to control your YouTube videos with Turn Off the Lights Browser Extension MV3

In the ever-evolving landscape of browser extensions, Turn Off the Lights continues to stand out by introducing innovative features that redefine the way we interact with online content. One of the latest additions to its repertoire is the Game Controller, a feature that transforms your browsing experience into something akin to wielding a remote control for your TV.

Manifest V3, the latest version of the extension framework, serves as the backbone for this exciting new feature. The Game Controller, much like its television counterpart, empowers users to take command of their HTML5 video content across popular platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and more.

The Game Controller feature isn’t exclusive to a single browser; it’s seamlessly integrated into the Turn Off the Lights Safari extension, Turn Off the Lights Firefox extension, and the Turn Off the Lights BETA Chrome extension. This widespread compatibility ensures that users can enjoy the enhanced video control capabilities regardless of their browser preference.

Game Controller Video

To witness the Game Controller in action, check out the demonstration in the YouTube video.

Game Controller on YouTube videos

The video showcases how this feature provides an immersive and dynamic way to interact with HTML5 videos on YouTube, highlighting its versatility and ease of use.

If you’re eager to try out this game-changing feature, simply download the Turn Off the Lights Manifest V3 extension on your preferred browser:

Available for Manifest V3 Browser Extension

The Turn Off the Lights Beta Chrome Extension, built on the robust Manifest V3 framework, is a technology to the extension’s commitment to performance, security, and privacy. The extension not only elevates your video-watching experience but also offers a plethora of features designed to provide the best possible web experience.

Game Controller tab in the Turn Off the Lights Options page
Game Controller tab in the Turn Off the Lights Options page

As a user, you have the opportunity to support the continuous improvement and maintenance of this free and Open-Source browser extension. If you find value in features like the innovative Game Controller, consider making a small donation. Your support plays a crucial role in enabling the Turn Off the Lights team to refine existing features and develop new ones, ensuring that users consistently enjoy cutting-edge enhancements.

In conclusion, the Turn Off the Lights Manifest V3 Game Controller opens up a new dimension in video control, offering users a convenient and enjoyable way to navigate HTML5 videos. With widespread browser compatibility and a commitment to excellence, Turn Off the Lights continues to prove why it’s a frontrunner in the realm of browser extensions. Download the extension today and elevate your online video experience to new heights.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme