What is changed in the powerful Turn Off the Lights browser extension? #1


Are you wondering what is changed in the Turn Off the Lights browser extension? Turn Off the Lights browser extension changed so much to get you the best video and web experience. That from background performance improvement to better video detection. And the algorithm of the Night Mode to the highest quality level to the web industry standard.

What GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based platform used for version control and collaboration in software development. It provides a platform for developers to host and review code, manage projects, and build software in a collaborative manner. Here are some key aspects of GitHub:

  1. Version Control: GitHub uses Git, a distributed version control system. This allows developers to track changes in their codebase, collaborate with others, and revert to previous states if needed.
  2. Repository (Repo): A repository is a storage space where your project’s source code and related files are kept. It can be public or private, depending on your needs.
  3. Branching: Developers can create branches to work on specific features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. Branches can be merged back into the main branch when the changes are ready.
  4. Pull Requests: When a developer has made changes in their branch and wants to merge those changes into the main branch, they create a pull request. This allows other team members to review the changes, discuss them, and ensure the quality of the code before merging.
  5. Collaboration: GitHub provides tools for collaboration, including issue tracking, project boards, and wikis. Issues can be used to track bugs, enhancements, tasks, and other work items. Project boards help in organizing and prioritizing tasks.
  6. Community and Social Coding: GitHub is a social platform where developers can follow each other, star repositories, and contribute to open-source projects. It fosters a sense of community and makes it easy for developers to discover interesting projects.
  7. Integration: GitHub integrates with a wide range of third-party services and tools, such as continuous integration (CI) services, code quality analyzers, and deployment platforms.
  8. GitHub Actions: This is a feature that enables developers to automate workflows, such as testing, building, and deploying applications directly from their GitHub repositories.

GitHub has become a central hub for many software development projects, especially open-source ones, and it plays a crucial role in modern software development practices.

Turn Off the Lights is an Open-Source project, and all code is readable and publicly visible on the official GitHub page.

What is changed in the Turn Off the Lights browser extension is visible on the Github website
What is changed in the Turn Off the Lights browser extension is visible on the GitHub website

What is Changed for my web browser?


Hope that answers one of your questions about what has changed is the Turn Off the Lights browser extension:

  • What is changed in the Chrome extension?
  • What is changed in the Microsoft Edge extension?
  • What is changed in the Safari extension?
  • What has improved in the Turn Off the Lights browser extension?
  • Where can I find the changelog?

If you find it useful to get information about the latest version change, then you can share the link on Facebook or share the link on Twitter. So your family, friends, or colleagues can know about this handy free tool.


What is changed in the Chrome extension?

In the About page of the Turn Off the Lights Chrome extension, you can find the link to read the changelog page. That provides you an overview of what is new in a bullet point, date, and version number.

What is changed on the YouTube website?

Google is always improving the YouTube video experience, and the Turn Off the Lights browser extension works harmoniously together to get you the best video and web experience.

Did you find technical, factual or grammatical errors on the Turn Off the Lights website?
You can report a technical problem using the Turn Off the Lights online technical error feedback form.

About The Author

Stefan Van Damme